Saturday, April 26, 2008

About me!!!!

I think I have to describe my own character because it's the easiest way of describing a character:
My mind is powerful, but not creative enough in some cases. I can analyze everything precisely and most of the time with the least amount of mistakes. I make decision more by thinking and emotions can not affect me that much and try to get just reliable people's advises, but I'm not a cold person at all. I try not to be offended easily by people's words and make fun of everything and laugh at every problem, particularly in the circle of my friends. I love sports especially water sports because it makes me calm and help me forget everything tormenting around me. I don't pay attention to anything around me which not to let me see things that I should see. :D
I'm very kind and patient in my relationships and in facing problems I'm very resistant. I try to make my mind busy not to think about serious matters. I rarely get angry and if I get angry, I try to have control over it. But if some body cause it and force me to shout, I mess him/her up. I try not to interfere in other's lives. But if I'm asked to help, I do my best to be effective.
I can interpret everything from all angles and having one experience in a case is enough for me to learn many things.
I don't show my feeling easily by words but my behavior proves my feeling easily. I'm not confident enough in some cases. In the first look I seem to be aggressive and selfish, but it's not true (be sure:D). I'm very frank and honest and I hate telling lies because I think that a liar is timid. I try not to offend anybody because I don't want myself to be broken. My self-respect is very important for me and I do not let it broken easily. On the whole I love my personality but try to be perfect.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

my autobiography!

I was born in January 17, 1984, in Tehran. My parents were both born in Tehran. I have a family with one younger and one older brother. My older brother is 27 years old and has a B.S degree in accounting. My younger brother is 19 years old and a student of industrial and machine designing. I studied mathematics at high school, I liked it very much. I was good at mathematics and physics and always had good marks and average. But I was a bit naughty and always cause troubles at school. After every problem at school, the principle and teachers blamed me and most of the time I was in class and wasn’t present at that scene. Anyway they had became conditional to me (:D). I was kicked out of school twice when I was in my senior by two different reasons (:D). But I had never been weak at my lessons. After finishing preuniversity, I passd entrance exam in civil engineering, surveying and mapping, at public university. I tried to find a job related to it and I did. But I didn’t like that major and that college. I hated the environment of both college and the office I worked. So I decided to study English which is my favorite. At the same time I was in the last term of the university, I passed English literature at Alzahra University. I finished that and started this!!!!